Company ordered to Pay Compensation for Sacking “Unsafe” Driver

Company ordered to Pay Compensation for Sacking “Unsafe” Driver

As an employer having all your ducks in a row is so crucial that sometimes even the slightest lapse in judgement can have consequences, even when you try to correct your mistakes.

Transport Company fined for Dangerous Good Breaches

Transport Company fined for Dangerous Good Breaches

The Downing Centre Local Court has fined Toll North transport operator $9,680 for an incident that took place in 2012 involving the transport of 21,000 litres of highly toxic chemical toluene disocyanate.

Leading QC urges CoR awareness at TMC 2014

Chain of Responsibility Awareness Vital, Transport Operators Warned

Ensuring that your employees within the supply chain are aware of their duties under chain of responsibility legislation by providing them with the appropriate training is vital, not only to road safety and compliance to avoid prosecution but also for the protection of your company and your employees.

NSW Roads Minister wants Fines Increased for Truck Height Offences

NSW Roads Minister wants Fines Increased for Truck Height Offences

Truck drivers, particularly those travelling in NSW must pay extra attention to the width, height and length of their vehicles.

Transpacific has initiated fleet management reform

Fatal Accident Led to Review of Fleet Policy and Procedures

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to implement change especially where road safety is concerned. That is the case of waste management firm Transpacific who have grounded their fleet and initiated fleet management reform.

Safer Speeds a Major Focus of Road Safety

SARTA wants Freeway Speed Lowered

The South Australian Road Transport Association (SARTA) recently told a coronial inquiry that the speed limit on the South Eastern Freeway descent should be lowered on a dangerous stretch of the road.