
Victoria Man Killed after Colliding with Truck

A Victorian man has been killed after his car crashed…

Wave at a Truckie

One driver, Doug Kirby is attempting to bring back mateship and…

Cyclist Killed after Colliding with Truck

A cyclist was recently killed after being involved in a crash…

Amazing Truck Driving Skills

If you thought you had skills, let's see if you can compare with…

Truck Driver from Sydney on the Run

Police in Sydney are desperately searching for a heavy vehicle…

Safety Audit Finds Issues following Hume Highway Crash

Following the fatal crash on the Hume Highway recently involving…

Driver Fined for Breaching Driving Laws through Adelaide Hills

A truck driver travelling on the South Eastern Freeway…

The Man Taking Truck Safety to Young Drivers

The Australian Trucking Association's (ATA) Safety Truck…

COR Changes and Compliance Issues Raised at CTAA Forum

A recent chain of responsibility (CoR) seminar was held at…