Australian Logistics Council highlight Safety with COR newsletter

Michael Kilgariff is spreading the word on COR. Image source:
The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) has launched a chain of responsibility newsletter in order to spread the CoR message.
The ALC is apparently attempting to put safety and compliance issues under the spotlight which is the motivation behind a new newsletter that will be posted online and distributed in hardcopy format as well. The newsletter will provide the latest, practical information to those associated with the chain of responsibility (CoR).
The newsletter will be named “Strengthening the Supply Chain” and will attempt to raise awareness about organisation’s obligations. It also highlights how operations will be affected when changes in the law occur.
MD of the ALC, Michael Kilgariff was quoted in a post on, detailing more about the launch of the newsletter. He explains that complying with COR obligations is mandatory and is something that companies cannot simply pay others to handle, everyone needs to know their duties. He went on to urge the industry to make a greater effort when it comes to CoR compliance,
“Quite simply, companies cannot ‘contract out’ their COR obligations, no matter what their industry sector or part of the supply chain, so it is important they fully understand their regulatory obligations,” ALC MD Michael Kilgariff says.
“As an industry, there needs to be greater effort to ensure all supply chain participants meet their obligations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law, such as those relating to speeding, fatigue, dimension, mass limits and load securing.
Kilgariff went on to explain that in order to see a real improvement in heavy vehicle safety, there are five areas that need to be addressed. Education and awareness are key to achieving these improvements, Kilgariff noted.
The newsletter will be circulated among members of the logistics industry as well as to Chairs, CEOs and supply chain managers of Australia’s top 2000 ASX companies and top 500 private companies. Companies need to be aware of the widespread ramifications of chain of responsibility, it is not just something that affects logistics, as Kilgariff goes on to explain:
“The newsletter stresses that chain of responsibility is an issue which effects not just logistics organisations, but businesses up and down the supply chain.”
Kilgariff reminded people that even retailers and its directors hold responsibility under COR laws for speeding heavy vehicles if it is found that the contractual arrangements between the operator and the retailer required the vehicle to speed in order to meet delivery deadlines. Mr Kilgariff goes on to explain:
“It makes the fundamental point that if an organisation consigns, packs, loads or receives goods as part of their business, it could be held legally liable for breaches of road transport laws,” Kilgariff says.
“At stake are civil and criminal liabilities, as well as reputation damage.”
The article on goes on to explain that the newsletter provides an update on a number of important regulatory issues including a review of chain of responsibility compliance in the Heavy Vehicle National Law.
Although the newsletter is a welcomed resource for the transport industry and its customers, it is still important for everyone involved in the chain to receive training on their responsibilities under COR law. In order to learn more about CoR compliance for companies, directors, employees, transport operators and drivers click here.