CoR Compliance Services

CoR Compliance Email Update – 23rd December 2016

Welcome to your weekly CoR Compliance Email Update! This update will help you to keep up to date with the Chain of Responsibility laws that govern the transport and logistics industry.

Industry and legislation updates

Safety Trucks

Truck under-run protection systems and in-cab black boxes are necessary if Australia wants to improve its heavy vehicle safety, says a global road safety leader.

No Test of Operator Business Skills Says NHVR

Truck operator licensing in Australia will focus on safety, with the national regulator telling ATN it is ruling out a test on business ability

Livestock Lament on CoR

Improvements to the Chain of Responsibility laws in 2018 can’t come soon enough for the nation’s main livestock trucking body.

Enforcement Training Critical Says NATROAD

Proposals to increase the enforcement and investigative powers for state and territory law enforcement must come with ongoing training for law enforcement officers, the National Road Transport Association (NatRoad) insists.

News updates

New Approval Locations open in Victoria

The Victorian government is looking to aid transport operators in getting their trucks back on the road quickly after a defect notice through the expansion of approval locations.

Company Finds Negligence Claim Shield in Training Issues

Safety practices were in place as driver fails to prove the case. The lack of a provable link between any conceivable safety training regime lapse and a subsequent injury has seen a negligence claim fail in the Ipswich district court.

NSW Police launch Operation Safe Arrival and #Five2Arrive

NSW Police have launched Operation Safe Arrival, with the aim of reducing the road toll in the lead up to Christmas, with 373 lives lost on our roads already this year, including 17 children aged 16 or under.

Weekly CoR implementation tip

Does your organisation have the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy?

The WHS Policy supports the CoR Policy as the CoR and Work Health and Safety functions work together to provide for the safety of employees and contractors.

The key components of a WHS Policy include:

  • an expression of the organisation’s commitment, objectives and intentions for work health and safety
  • a set of general guidelines for work health and safety, such as a work health and safety management system
  • acceptance of primary responsibility for the health and safety function by senior management
  • the role of health and safety representatives and health and safety committees and an expression of support for these roles
  • an outline of the general responsibilities for the employer, managers, employees, contractors and visitors

If you have subscribed to our full access subscription, you have access to the full suite of CoR Framework templates consisting of 59 policies, procedures and tools that are ready to implement into your workplace. If you would like to upgrade your subscription, just call us on 1300 362 226.

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Do you have a question?

As a subscriber, you have access to our CoR Compliance Services Helpdesk where you can email our CoR Specialists a question and they will respond to you directly. Simply login to the subscriber’s area and send in your question.

We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your CoR compliance initiatives.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Steven Asnicar

CoR Australia