NHVR Announces Round Two of COR sessions

Round 2 of Chain of Responsibility (CoR) information sessions will be held by The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) across Queensland, Victoria, SA, NSW and Tasmania.

The sessions will take place over the months of October and November following the first sessions held earlier this year.

The latest sessions are meant to build a business’ capacity to identify risks associated with its transport activities and how Safety Management Systems can help manage risk and abide by HVNL obligations, the NHVR said. This is ahead of the changes to CoR laws in middle of next year.


Two people maximum per business are permitted to attend. The sessions will take place in,

Victoria from 17 -20 October

NSW from 23 – 27 October

South Australia from 30 October – 2 November

Tasmania from 14-15 November

Queensland sessions were held from 4 to 11 October.

Register or get more info here.


Source: https://www.fullyloaded.com.au/industry-news/1709/nhvr-announces-next-round-of-cor-sessions