Proposal to Shock Drowsy Truck Drivers to Avoid Crashes

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A NSW minister has be lambasted by the truck drivers union for suggesting that drivers should receive “electric shocks” to keep them up.

The minister’s comments came a day after the crash involving a B-Double that slammed into a queue of stationary vehicles waiting at roadworks, killing 2 people.

Melinda Pavey, Roads Minister said union members that weren’t open to discussing new road safety technology had “their heads in the sand”.

As a result of the crash 2 people were trapped for 4 hours and 2 people were killed.

The minister said during an interview on talk radio that in-cab devices should be considered that could recognise when a driver was losing concentration and give them an electric shock if they look away from the windscreen for more than a couple seconds.

The Transport Workers Union (TWU) said they found the idea of electrocuting drivers offensive and dangerous. They also described the minister as heartless and arrogant. Source: