“Tell a Mate” Campaign to Support Truck Safety

TV Personality and star of Kenny, Shane Jacobson is spreading the truck safety message to raise awareness among road users.

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto teamed up with Jacobson to deliver the safety campaign, which encourages heavy vehicle drivers to go out and “Tell a mate” about heavy vehicle safety.

The “Tell a mate” social media campaign is being delivered by the NHVR to highlight that heavy vehicle safety is everyone’s concern, no matter what vehicle you drive, a car, truck, caravan or tow truck.

Drivers and operators are being encouraged to talk to others about safety even those who drive light motor vehicles. Truck drivers are being urged to share their heavy vehicle safety.

For more visit www.nhvr.gov.au/tellamate

Source: https://www.ownerdriver.com.au/industry-news/1804/tell-a-mate-campaign-to-spread-truck-safety-message-to-road-users