Understanding Chain of Responsibility Legislation

A post on BigRigs.com.au recently highlighted the importance of chain of responsibility legislation and the importance of understanding the heavy penalties coming into effect in mid-2018.

One of the defining incidents which highlighted the need for harsher CoR legislation was the Mona Vale crash 4 years ago which claimed the life of 2 road-users and resulted in a 12 month suspended sentence for the truck driver as well as a 2 year licence suspension and $1000 fine.

The company involved had its vehicles grounded nationally and lost millions of dollars in contracts and penalties.

The new CoR penalties mean that anyone can now be placed under the legislative spotlight, not just truck drivers.

The aim of the new legislation is to address pressure from consignors, consignees and people in power who force trucks to keep moving despite inherent and potential risks. These people whose only concern is bottom-line profit margins and don’t care how goods get to and from a destination will be the target of the new legislation.

Under new laws corporations could face $3 million charges and a corporate multiplier of up to five times the individual fines and  a commercial gain of up to 3 times the value as determined by the court representing the commercial gains acquired from the non-compliance.

Individuals engaging in reckless conduct causing death or serious injury or illness face fines of up to $300,000 or 5 years imprisonment.

For more on the chain of responsibility visit www.coraustralia.com

See more at https://www.bigrigs.com.au/news/chain-of-responsibility-legislation-to-up-ante/3280590/